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Monday, November 7, 2011

Sales Motivation Training - 3 Step Process To Achieving Targets

Sales motivation training is for individuals that want to get themselves focused on being successful, and managers that want to help their teams achieve the best results possible. When you add motivation to sales skills training and good product knowledge you have all the key elements that any sales professional or small business owners needs to hit their targets. This 3 step motivation technique will show you how to look at your target in a new way and relate it to the actions focused on achieving it. This is a great way for individuals or sales managers to really get focused on the daily actions that will lead to success in a sales role.

The idea looks simplistic and basic when you first read it. The basic principle behind it is very simple, all the best sales and motivation training is. But look at the individual actions, and consider the ways that you can use them, and you soon find that there are lots more actions that you can add to the basic framework. So here is the motivation technique to achieving sales targets and how to put it into action.

Step 1. Understand your sales target and chunk it down

Some sales organisation set very complicated sales targets, and some small businesses do not understand what their real targets are and how they relate to the business objectives. How can sales people be motivated to hit targets if they are too complicated or not easy to understand? The first step is to make sure you fully understand what you have to sell each sales period, month or quarter, to achieve your sales target. When you know what your sales target is chunk it down into smaller targets for shorter time periods. For example: If you have a target of 20 units a month you could chunk it down into 5 units a week, or 1 unit per working day. Then you have a simple daily target to aim for and that helps you get motivated.

Step 2. Actions to achieve your chunked down target

Now work out how many prospects you will need to see to achieve this smaller chunked down target. Example: If you convert 1 out of every 3 prospects, and each converted prospect buys on average 1 unit, you will need to see a minimum of 3 prospects a day to reach the target in the example in step 1. If you want to take this further look at how many prospects you see compared to how many planned appointments you have. You could find that 1 out of every 4 appointments fails to go ahead or gets postponed. That means you have to plan 4 a day to make sure you complete the 3 you need. Having a target of how many prospects to see over a small time period means that you can get focused on achieving that time-bound objective and motivated to hit it.

You can look deeper into this step by assessing the types of prospects that yield the highest sales. Example: If B2B prospects on average buy 2 units and direct sales to the public are usually 1 unit. When planning your appointments per day you would need more meetings if all your prospects were members of the public and less if they were all business customers. You can narrow down this method of forecasting potential sales from different types of prospects and make really good use of it when planning your selling time.

Step 3. Monitor where actions are needed

When you have completed your sales appointments for the sales period give yourself, or your sales team, some feedback. Look at what worked well and plan to do some more of it. What didn't work and what can you change to get the results you want. Look at the results you achieved and compare them to steps 1 & 2. Ask yourself the questions: Have I hit target. Were all my sales and appointments focused on achieving my target or did I complete less effective actions. Did I make the best use of the research I did into which types of prospects convert into the best sales. Then put this sales motivation training technique into action again for next month.

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