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Friday, October 21, 2011

11 Steps to Managing Time and Becoming More Productive

Time is more valuable than money. Time is something you can never get back. All too often we put things off until another day, yet we never seem to catch that next day. We hear the term time management, but what does it really mean?

1) The term time management actually refers to managing ourselves rather than time, because no matter what you do to change, there will always be 24 hours in a day. It is how we budget our time which is controllable.

2) List everything you do in a course of day that takes your time away from being productive. Internet surfing or reading wants ads during the time when productive work should be performed steals time. Create a daily activity log to help define where your time is being spent.

3) Set time goals to help modify your behavior.

4) Take the next step and implement a reasonable time schedule. By doing this step you will increase productivity and reduce stress. As you analyze your progress you will begin to modify your behavior.

5) Use time management tools to help stay focused. Software programs are a great way to keep you on task moving forward. Adhere to the calendar, remind yourself in advance of tasks or events.

6) Get in the habit of prioritizing. decide what tasks are most important and need to be completed immediately.

7) Delegate or outsource to others. Never be afraid of saying no periodically.

8) Get yourself on a routine. The best rule of thumb, perform something for 30 days straight and it will become a habit.

9) Setting time limits for tasks will further help to keep you balanced.For instance, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Instead, set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

10) Organization is key to time management. Not great at organizing hire a professional organizer who will create systems based on your needs, routine, and style. Make sure files are organized, desk tops, papers, etc.

11) Waiting is a time muncher. Waiting for a client, respond to emails while you are waiting. Eating lunch, write a grocery list, drinking your morning coffee, plan your day.

By using these 11 tips, you will improve your time by being more productive.

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